Protecting and supporting your employees is core to your business—always has been, always will be—and COVID shook that core for every business across the globe. As the world reopens and returns to some sense of normal, companies are struggling to protect the health and safety of their employees, manage the impact of long-COVID and return to profitability. Virolens can help.

Virolens® testing keeps your business open, limits the risk of mass absences, and boosts confidence and safety for your employees.

From the lab to the field for immediate diagnostics and mass screening at the point-of-care.

For a business, that means we can bring Virolens to you. Employees save valuable time and you save valuable resources. Depending on your business needs, test results can be integrated with your existing security, human resources or wage platforms.

Unlike PCR and Lateral Flow tests that rely on chemistry to detect the virus, Virolens is physics-based and does not require a laboratory. The self-contained machine weighs 12kg, takes five minutes to set-up, minimal training to operate and up to 120 tests per machine, per hour.

Virolens is sensitive enough to detect COVID before someone is contagious, offering what no other test can do: The chance to get ahead of the virus and break the chains of transmission.

The power of physics over chemistry.

When close contact is part of the job, you must create a biosecure environment.



How much does it cost your business when you are forced to close production due to mass absence? What measures do you have in place to protect your employees?



Cancelling a tour or delaying filming for weeks has crippling cost implications. How many sure-thing matches have been lost because star players contracted COVID?



Closing a hospital is not an option, but when A&E cannot accept patients and medics are isolating, who suffers most? COVID does not care about protecting a county’s boarders or keeping military personnel safe.



How safe do you feel in cramped quarters, mingling with strangers from all over the world? How would your holiday end if you spent it on a cruise ship, unable to leave your cabin?

Regular testing with Virolens® protects everyone and keeps teams together, factories open and products moving.

Future-proof solutions that start with COVID and expand to detect other viruses and respiratory diseases.